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in Flutter development sometimes the code is too lengthy and complex which is hard to manage and remember to implement new things. One thing I love about Flutter and the Dart environment is the immense number of packages that are available in pub dev this package’s developer life is so easy because it’s easy to use and implement for everyone can use. but in the new flutter, we are also confused what Packages are used in flutter, This is why I want to share with you 10 packages that I think you need to know about in 2023 and what is top 10 features you should know.

1. go_router

A go_router declarative routing package for Flutter that uses the Router API to provide a convenient, URL-based API for navigating between different screens. You can define URL patterns, navigate using a URL, handle deep links, and a number of other navigation-related scenarios.

Top 10 best Flutter Packages You Must Know In 2023 go_router(


GoRouter has a number of features to make navigation straightforward:

  • Parsing path and query parameters using a template syntax (for example, “user/:id’)
  • Displaying multiple screens for a destination (sub-routes).
  • Redirection support – you can re-route the user to a different URL based on application state, for example to a sign-in when the user is not authenticated.
  • Support for multiple Navigators via ShellRoute – you can display an inner Navigator that displays its own pages based on the matched route. For example, to display a BottomNavigationBar that stays visible at the bottom of the screen.
  • Support for both Material and Cupertino apps.
  • Backwards compatibility with Navigator API.

2. flutter_animate

A performant library that makes it simple to add almost any kind of animated effect in Flutter.

  1. Pre-built effects, like fade, scale, slide, flip, blur, shake, shimmer, shadows, crossfades, follow path, and color effects (saturation, color, and tint)
  2. Easy custom effects and simplified animated builders
  3. Synchronize animations to scroll, notifiers, or anything
  4. Integrated events

All via a simple, unified API without fussing with AnimationController and StatefulWidget. See all the documents flutter_animate 4.2.0 

Top 10 best Flutter Packages You Must Know In 2023 flutter_animate(

3. Flutter Launcher Icons

A similar package is flutter_launcher_icons. It allows you to generate all the launcher icons you need from a single source. Packages like these make your life so much easier.

A command-line tool that simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app’s launcher icon. Fully flexible, allowing you to choose what platform you wish to update the launcher icon for and if you want, the option to keep your old launcher icon in case you want to revert back sometime in the future.

top 10 pacakges flutter3(

4. Shimmer

You want to get rid of the boring old CircularProgessIndicator? Use the shimmer package to create some cool placeholders while your app is loading data. The package is highly customizable yet really easy to use. you can also use in all page loading animation using this package.

top 10 pacakges flutter4(

5. Riverpod

State management is a topic with many opinions and strong feelings involved. There are many good solutions out there, but for me, riverpod (respectively flutter_riverpod) is the preferred solution. this Package provide catches programming errors at compile time rather than at runtime, removes nesting for listening/combining objects, and ensures that the code is testable.

top 10 pacakges flutter5(

6. flutter_lints

This package contains a recommended set of lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices.

This package is built on top of Dart’s recommended.yaml set of lints from package:lints.

Lints are surfaced by the dart analyzer, which statically checks dart code. Dart-enabled IDEs typically present the issues identified by the analyzer in their UI. Alternatively, the analyzer can be invoked manually by running flutter analyze.

Top 10 best Flutter Packages You Must Know In 2023 flutter_lints(

7. Flame

The full documentation for Flame can be found on

To change the version of the documentation, use the version selector noted with version: in the top of the page.

Note: The documentation that resides in the main branch is newer than the released documentation on the docs website.

Other useful links:

  • The official Flame site.
  • Examples of most features which can be tried out from your browser.
    • To access the code for each example, press the < > button in the top right corner.
  • Tutorials – Some simple tutorials to get started.
  • API Reference – The generated dartdoc API reference.
  • awesome-flame – A curated list of Tutorials, Games, Libraries and Articles.
Top 10 best Flutter Packages You Must Know In 2023 Flame(

8. Firebase Crashlytics 

Firebase Crashlytics, a real time crash reporting tool, helps you prioritize and fix your most pervasive crashes based on the impact on real users. Crashlytics also easily integrates into your Android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS apps.

Top 10 best Flutter Packages You Must Know In 2023 Firebase Crashlytics (

9. JSON Serializable

In combination with freeze, json_serializable makes it more than easy to convert a Dart class to and from JSON. In its basic form, it does not require any configuration, but it allows you exactly define how the serialization processes should work if you need to adapt.

top 10 pacakges flutter9(

10. Retrofit

Like the Android library of the same name, retrofit makes it effortless to generate everything that is necessary for sending and receiving data from a REST API. It works perfectly with freeze and json_serializable and this is why I use this “trinity” in many of my apps.

top 10 pacakges flutter10(


There are many great packages out there, and almost every one of them helps you to save a lot of time in your development process. These packages are far from all the packages I use, and it was hard to decide on my favorite 10 packages and what is flutter best for.

I’m curious about which packages you like the most! Leave me a comment below and tell me which packages I have missed in my listing.

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